Best Signature Events, Croquet Tournament Fundraising, Team Building and Croquet Equipment Value
Across the USA!
The Game and Variations

The English Game with the French Title! (But at least it is not golf!)
This is one of the least age and gender biased sports anywhere (that’s all around the world!)
There is a long (if somewhat boring) history of the game and equally tiring arguments about where it was started and by whom. The bottom line:
~9 Wicket Croquet is the Grand-Daddy of all other forms of the games. It is the game most every American has played and is believed to be the nations most widely played backyard game. The USCA 9 Wicket group estimates numbers of players in the millions. Familiar, fun, with plenty of strategies and good-natured vengeance! Croquet rules make for a satisfying, engaging event while keeping a good pace. The USCA has formed a 9 Wicket Division worth taking a look at.
~Golf Croquet is a 6 wicket derivative: 6 wickets, one center stake, a convoluted path followed by teams or individuals. Those scoring the next wicket get the point, everyone else starts from where they are to the next wicket in line. Faster pace, simple to play, 10 to 15-minute game…easy and quick to learn. ONE OF THE BEST TEAMBUILDING EXPERIENCES OUT THERE.
~Survivor Croquet takes teamwork, coordination, and speed to new levels. It’s all about poise under pressure. This is Croquet Your Way’s contribution to Croquet. ANOTHER GREAT TEAMBUILDING EXPERIENCE! (more physical than any other version with far more “hoot” value) Laughter usually accompanies the games which average a blinding 8-10 minutes!
Check out videos on 9 Wicket and Survivor Croquet.
The 3 variations above are the core of what we do to make your event, whether for fundraising or teambuilding, the most memorable and refreshing experience possible.
~6 Wicket is the variant, made far more complex and precise with slightly differing rules the world over. Incredibly challenging and interesting to play, it compares to paint drying in its spectator value (our humble opinion.) This is the backbone of the United States Croquet Association competitions and activities.
~Extreme Croquet is not a real variation, though it is usually played with 9 Wicket rules. There are two varieties: 1) Croquet played in extreme settings (junkyards, swamps, woods…you get the picture) 2) Any form of the game played with an overabundance of liquor or other oft-abused substances. Croquet Your Way chooses Variety #1 for the general health and well being of its clients and players.