Best Signature Events, Croquet Tournament Fundraising, Team Building and Croquet Equipment Value
Across the USA!

Croquet Your Way’s “TurboTournaments”
Great Croquet fundraising and friend-raising events. Playing upon the fun familiarity of Croquet, these are events that can engage and focus your current and prospective constituents in a new, different and refreshing event to benefit your organization. Croquet is effective for bringing people together and bring out the “kid” in everyone.
NEW “TurboTournaments Plus”
The “Plus” events are structured around strategies designed to take your event, community visibility, and fundraising potentials to the proverbial “next level.” These are approaches designed to engage and involve entire communities in new and different ways. These involve exponentially broader participation and multidimensional financial models with numerous income centers.
Both Croquet Your Way Tournament models may include any number of variations on the game: 9 Wicket Backyard Croquet, Golf Croquet, Survivor Croquet, Extreme Croquet, and others. Most versions are done on grassy areas adequate to the number of players planned. Parks, campuses, athletic fields, golf driving ranges or fairways, and estates lend themselves well. Most times, existing obstacles (trees, flower beds, rocks, fire hydrants, etc.) can be worked into the courts and made part of the game. As long as the venue is mowed immediately beforehand and level enough to keep balls from rolling off the courts, we can usually work with it.
Croquet Your Way provides consultation services and materials if/as needed leading up to the event. For the event, we provide Croquet equipment, court signs, certain site banners, scoring system, leaderboards, and EXPERTISE! Together we put this all together and do our best to help you host a successful Croquet event.