Best Signature Events, Croquet Tournament Fundraising, Team Building and Croquet Equipment Value
Across the USA!
Croquet Your Way and You

At Croquet Your Way, we strive to help our clients develop and build successful, sustainable and repeatable Croquet Signature events with unique variations.
Croquet Your Way works with you under an agreement listing various obligations as well as:
Specific Costs: Consulting and equipment fees, usually payable in 3 installments.
Estimated Costs: Travel, shipping, taxes, and miscellaneous, reimbursed as accrued or as compiled and presented after completion of the event.
Optimum lead time is 9-12 months before the scheduled Croquet event for most organizations but may vary.
Croquet Your Way adheres to and promotes the Code of Ethical Standards and the Donor Bill of Rights developed by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), an international organization of over 10,000 non-profits and service providers. Under these standards, Croquet Your Way never operates on a percentage of revenue or event income. Fixed fees are stated plainly and agreed to by both parties.
In the planning process, your vision for the event will take shape and will be developed for transformation into reality.
Croquet Your Way is on hand for an agreed upon time to assist in managing the event with the help of your staff and volunteers (volunteer estimates are also included in the agreement) After your Croquet tournament, we are available for review and evaluation for continuing and future success of your event.